Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas message from Ollie

As mum only has one arm, and dad is busy with work and Gabriel is hunting bunnies…… I got the job of sending out the Christmas Cards…. Only I can’t write so I decided to use the computer to help me.

I can't wait for my first Christmas. It has been quite an interesting month, first a pretty tree grew in our lounge and now all these blocks with paper on them appeared. I am not too sure what happens at Christmas but I think we are getting excited about ripping and eating as much very brightly coloured paper as we can. So I can see what all the fuss is about!

Mum still has her arm in a sling – I am sick of her playing that game because it means I can’t get real cuddles from her. Apparently she has to play “operation” to get the use of her arm back. Somehow I don’t think Santa will be giving Tyler any carrots this year!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a fun New Year!! Look forward to seeing you all in 2006!!

Luv from Ollie and Mum and Dad – oops and almost forgot Gabriel too x x x

Monday, November 28, 2005

You think I look bad you should see Tyler......

Hi All,

Slow typing for the next few weeks after Tyler and I had a disagreement over what our afternoon activity was to be on Saturday. I wanted to ride him...... he wanted to play WWF Superstars of Wrestling.... and try a Body Slam on me. Needless to say having 700kgs landing on me resulted in some injury..... one dislocated and fractured shoulder and some lovely black and blue (and yellow!) legs to be precise!! So it was my second trip to Lower Hutt hospital and some of that (lovely) gas again in six months!

It took three Doctors to put my arm back in and it hurt a bit. I was relieved to finally have it back in, as at that point I was contemplating putting my own shoulder back in as I was sick of waiting and I was running out of jokes to tell..... I think my joke telling was the real reason the Doctors wanted to knock me out to put my shoulder back in........ nice try Docs but not on your Nellie!! "But I can't have the gas if I am knocked out!!"

Tyler is incredibly sore....... and was incredibly disgraced with himself after the whole event - refusing to leave my side until he had walked me safely home - and that was after I used my good arm to severly whip his bootie - not from anger but because I was trying to send him home to raise the alarm!!

Soooooo I am now a temporary invalid and unable to do things like washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and all the jobs that I just love!!! My amazing mother is being soooooo wonderful giving me her mornings so she can help me (although you gotta stop ironing Vics shirts Mum - that is just making me look bad *cheeky grin*). Friends and family are pitching in for the afternoons when Vic can't get away from work which is just awesome (thanks - you girls are awesome!). Vic is being awesome - and has the extra job of helping me showering and dressing every morning.... which he is feeling really ripped off about (yeah right!).

In all seriousness - the whole accident has been bit of a wake up call - while it is great to miss out on some of lifes chores for awhile, it is not worth missing for a moment the ability to cuddle and soothe Oliver when he cries. The only tears I have shed so far is not from the physical pain but the emotional pain it causes not to be able to hold , feed, carry, and protect my own wee baby - it totally sux. Then I just remember it is only for a short while..... and then I smile because for that I am very grateful!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Oliver and the gorgeous Ange

The uncertain future of Odie and Paris and the rest of our weekend.....

As you may well notice from the piccies - we are up two more four legged creatures at Boundary Stream:o) I did try very, very hard to bring home one piglet - but I just couldn't help myself and now we have ended up with two (and how could i not when they are just so damn cute!!!). We have a boy and a girl - both around 5 weeks old. So we have named them Paris (sow) and Odie (boar). They are very small now but I met thier daddy and he came up past my waist standing on four legs........ he was bigger than some ponies I have met!

Vic was an absolute Handyman God and managed to build a pen, and a house for them in one weekend.... of course his motivation possibly came from the temporary home these two little piggies had in his garage right next to his brand new home gym........

So the plan is to see how they go for the next few months - I already have grand plans of breeding piggies from the sow..... Vic has visions of a large bacon supply. Although it has to be said I wasn't the one spending my Sunday afternoon chasing the wee piggies around in thier pen for no other reason than to handle them. I finally got to spend some time with them this evening laying the straw for thier bedding but Vic had to oversee that also....... hmmmm watch this space.... will Paris and Odie ever make it to the freezer - shall we run a sweepstake?

Oliver had an exciting weekend he met his first dog - Eva, when we were visiting our friends Todd and Ange. Oliver was absolutely besotted with her...... he kept looking at her, smiling and when she came close he was reaching out for her and when she was close he just had to grab her, pull her ears - he could not stop giggling when he was touching her. The photos I took didn't really capture how adoringly he was looking at her. Eva was awesome with all of this attention from a little baby who really does not know his own strength when he grabs things!

I did try and go out for my ride this morning but I stupidly took Tyler out who hadn't been ridden for two weeks, is full of spring grass and hot tempered at the best of times. Needless to say our ride was cut short after he decided that a little blue car really was so scarey that it justified a rear (we had just passed numerous cars pulling trailers with MotoX bikes on them), and if I didn't agree he would just buck until I knew better...... so as sensible was just something he was not able to give me this morning I took him home and lunged him. Despite all of that I have to admire my big baby - he tried so hard to be good while we were out, and he was nothing but obedient while I was lunging him. I am not sure if Kiara would have been much calmer as she is also full of spring grass and her favourite passtime this weekend has been jumping fences.

Gotta dash - haven't stopped all day and looking forward to soaking in a bath with a glass of port before bed :o)

Introducing Odie and Paris...... our Wessex Saddleback piglets!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Its all about peace, love and mung beans at Boundary Stream this week!!

Hi All,

Another busy week for us - I have just started adding a 45 minute pilates session to my exercise regime. I would like to say that like the walking it is a daily thing but....... its not. I discovered all sorts of muscles I didn't even know I had after the first session!!! So I can only hack it once every second day. Amazing exercise though - I can see it benefiting my horse riding as it focuses on core body strength and balance.

As I have been made redundant by Fuji Xerox Printers and as it is so close to Christmas I decided that I better start looking at other things to do until I find another job (employment opportunitues six weeks before Christmas don't tend to be so good!!). So I have started my own business - not something I set out to do but something I have sort of fallen into. I was trying to find a toothpaste that was not full of chemicals as my teeth and gums have really been suffering (and ageing prematurely according to my Dental Hygienist!!) with the harsh chemicals in the off the shelf toothpastes and mouthwashes. Anyway to cut a long story short I found not only a toothpaste range but an entire product range that is not only natural but also Certified Organic and fell in love! The entire product range, the price of it and the fact that it is Certified Organic is awesome so have become a Business Associate in NZ for it. Watch this space!!! I am really excited to be involved with it!!!

With all the reading I had to undertake before I decided that I would like to represent an Organic and Natural Enterprise I have learnt a lot. It is scary the chemicals that everybody is exposed to on a daily basis! Along with switching to Organic health and beauty products I am expanding my vege garden at a rapid rate too!!

How is this for a scary fact: Cosmetic Companies are not supposed to claim that their products penetrate our skin. If they did the product would then be labelled a drug and henceforth be governed by much stricter regulations. This is both Good and Bad - Good because it can mean that your skin is nourished with some wonderful ingredients. Bad because it means some cosmetic companies can put whatever they please into thier products that would never be allowed to be taken orally, but are still absorbed through our skin. When I learnt this I was reminded of that Campbell Live episode where a major cometic company relied on this law to protect them from the fact that their products were proven to have very severe reactions because of the chemicals in them......... anyway nuff said?

Oliver hasn't missed out on the health and wellbeing week we have been having either....... he had another trip to the cranial oesteopath this week. Something we have both been doing to quicken our recovery from childbirth. I was a sceptic but now I would highly recommend them to anyone!!! Oliver has done nothing but sleep and eat for the last two days (which is a sign he has fallen into a self healing mode) and he is just so mellow and cruisy - he hardly cries at all now. As for me - I feel fantastic and have recovered really well from childbirth - it is like someone has given me a tune up and a panel beating - because I swear I am better than new!

Well gotta dash - I have a pig pen to build....... Vic and I have another addition to the farm "Odie" our black and white Wessex Saddleback piglet......... whoops sorry Vic did I forget to mention that we own a piglet now- naughty me!! Luv you long time babe :o)

Piccies and updates to follow!!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dem boys line up...... Oliver, Roman and Noah

All about Ollie at 5 months....

Hi fans,

Ollie here again, thought I might jump on and give you all an update on me. My last two plunket visits have been very positive and I can tell Mum feels better after she has been to see the plunket lady. For those that are interested I am now 6.84kgs - that is over twice the weight I was five months ago when I was born!! I have grown HEAPS in the last two months and have actually grown up to what they consider a NZ average size......... I reckon it is the reflexology and baby massage Mum does with me every day.

I can see heaps better now and I have found these amazing things attached to my body that help me grab things so I can put them in my mouth - the cats tail, my toys and well..... anything really. It has taken me quite a few months to master how to use them but I have them pretty much sussed now - I like touching mums face although sometimes I miss and grab her throat - then she tells me to let go as I have what she calls "the Volcom Death Grip". Actually I can use my body lots better now - another thing I like to do is to snuggle into people - I love having snuggles!!!

My days are jammed packed with excitement - I have to have three sleeps during the day because I just get so tired out!!! Most mornings I am allowed to play in my jolly jumper or on my mat with the toys while Mum has breakfast, then I get to go in my buggy - which is pretty cool - mum has it all 'pimped' out with a sunshade, low rider tyres and we cruise - actually I am never too sure how far we go as I usually fall asleep about twenty minutes into the journey. We must be gone a fair while as I usually wake up just as we are coming in the gate home again. Other things I like about my day are story time, massage time, play time with Dad (trying to find out where he hides all day), and bath time. I go to bed every night at 7pm and stay asleep until morning (well most nights).

Mum has stopped giving me her milk a couple of weeks ago - well actually I made her stop. I was over it - all far to hard - especially when I knew I could have a bottle and it was much easier and faster!! I have also started eating food which Mum feeds me with a spoon it all tastes really different and they have different textures.... it is all very interesting!!

I am pretty happy with life really - although I need to work out how to use these things attached to the bottom of my body.....I am sure they will help me catch that fluffy cat!!

Night te night

Ollie x x x

Hmmmmm can someone let Daddy know I have just eaten....?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Cousins in Arms......... Oliver (5months) and Oscar (3 months) in Uncle Nevilles arms :o)

Hi all,

I have had so many people comment on how they are enjoying the updates and piccies on my blogspot - it seems I will have to be a little more disciplined about updating it so you all have something new to read!

The last few weeks have been very busy and quite exciting most of my time has been spent catching up with family and friends for various reasons/activities. Vic had a weekend in Melbourne to go to the races - I got to have a nice girly weekend with my dear friend Trina - who was an absolute doll and helped me sort out my house..... and shop!! You can't beat 'girl' time!!!!

All is well on the farm - the horses are full of spring grass. I have to exercise Tyler 3plus times a week at the moment, I even had to resort to getting up at 5.30am to do so in the weekend!!! Spring grass is to horses what chocolate and food colouring is to small children........ Gabriel has had to learn a new level of respect for the horses as Tyler has taken to chasing after him in the paddock.... and he managed to stand on Gabe the other day (he was fine - thank goodness!!). I am in the process of landscaping - so we might actually have a lawn, paths and a garden to cover the septic tank vents..... so I am stuffed at the end of the day!!

Oliver has managed to find his toes and on occassion get them in his mouth and suck on them, he has also discovered that he can put his own dummy in his mouth - not always the right way round or the right way up...... but he is getting there!! He is very fascinated with his own fingers, toes and legs at the moment. He is just so much fun - Vic and I are totally besotted with our little boy - because when we just don't think he can be anymore adorable he surprises us and does something new and even more cute - like singing to us when we are driving.

I have picked up some work........ no not back in the corporate rat race (Yet!)..... I am a horse sitter! I am now looking after horses for people who are going away and want someone experienced to handle thier horses. Pay is pretty good too - only a few hours work a week pays for a months upkeep of my own two horses........

Well that is all for tonight....... will post some recent piccies on here and promise to update more regularly now that I know I have a steady following!!!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Look at what mum bathes me in now I have outgrown my baby bath.......!!

I am so slack....!

Hi All,

Phew! Been super busy the last few weeks so Blog entries have been a little less frequent. All is good on the farm, Tyler is recovering well from his 'crash' two weeks ago - where he managed to slice his leg open on his own shoe - so he has was bandaged up for a week and it seems to be healing really well - if I am really lucky it may not even scar! Kiara has been up to her usual tricks - leading Tyler quite literally down the garden path..... although not our garden path Wayne and Sandra's Garden Path (they live about 2km up the road) . She decided that she had, had enough spring grass and was quite bored of her paddock so unlatched the gate and took Tyler for a walk down the road. The first I knew of it was when Sandra came down to let me know that my horses were sunbathing in her front garden and I could collect them when I had a moment. Vic and I have since put a bike lock on the gate, and decided that we should move from the shame of our 'houdini' horses. Kiara has a bit of a track record for escaping and going for wee adventures...... this would be the sixth time she has escaped from her paddock to go for a walk..... I must confess it made a pleasant change to be collecting her in daylight as oppose to the middle of the night which has happened the last three times.......

Oliver is a wee dude - we have started him on his first solids - and he just can't get enough of them!! He only gets solids once a day at the moment and he has Vic and I in stitches - it is like the mumma bird feeding a baby bird - he opens his mouth wide as soon as he sees the spoon and lunges for it (or maybe he has just seen the way his father eats ;oP)! Plunket say to start off feeding just a couple of teaspoons but we have screams of protest if we give him any less than half a cup!! His favorite food seems to be apple and mango mixed with baby rice.... which he will lick off his bib after he has finished his wee plate of it - can't complain about that - he is my self cleaning baby!

Oliver is proving to be quite the talker at the moment - he will quite happily tell us all about everything - yelling where he feels appropriate, and talking very quietly for effect - of course if we could understand his 'vowel' only language I am sure we would have a much clearer idea of just exactly how interesting his stories really are!! He spent and afternoon with his Nanna and Grandad last week while I had to attend a meeting in town... I am not sure who enjoyed it more - Ollie or his Grandparents!

Well I best dash - have loads of things to organise for the coming week.... like finalising Kiaras breeding arrangements, and making a piggie/goat pen..........

Hope you all have a marvellous week!

Grandfather and Grandson - how nice!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Oliver gets another new cousin!!!

After hearing the news that his much awaited new cousin had entered the world - Oliver demanded to go in and meet him straight away. So we meet Noah and two very happy new parents - Karina and Zeus. Congratulations guys - and well done Karina for being so awesome!!

Oliver now has three boy cousins - all born within the last four months! I imagine the Philps family Christmas's are going interesting (and loud) from now on and for many years to come!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

And the little boy laughed to see such fun...!

Major milestone reached!!! Oliver had an absolute laughing fit last night - Vic was playing with him, clapping his hands, clicking his fingers (and there may have been some singing in there too).... and Oliver was beside himself - he simply could not stop laughing at Vic (I suffer from the same reaction on occasion so understand completely!). We got it on video (I will have to work out how to post video streams on here), and Vic of course is wrapped that he made him laugh first.... and tried to rub it in which backfired when I reminded him that his son was laughing AT him - not with him....... I just gotta have the last word :o)

Hee hee - I can't stop watching the wee video clip it makes me giggle just seeing my wee boy so animated!

Vic and I enjoying being out!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Hi All,

Vic and I had our first night out since Oliver has been born on Saturday night for my dearest friend Johannas Birthday - YAH!!! We both enjoyed it immensly and Mum and Dad were the best baby sitters while we were out, it makes all the difference to have baby sitters you trust - it enabled Vic and I have to a carefree night! Oliver was quite oblivious to our night out - not waking until morning (he seems to be doing that a lot these days!). On Sunday I got up and went for my weekly ride at 8am - it was a spectacular day although I was feeling a little fuzzy headed from the champagne from the night before. Photos of our night out to follow!

More updates coming soon!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gabriels idea of hanging out with me.....

What Wednesday brings...

Hi all,

Oliver and I had our Antenatal Group around today..... Oliver decided to fall asleep for most of it - not a refelction of the company he was in I am sure!! I had a great time, special thanks to Tash for popping out and introducing the ladies to the BabyBaby products which are just amazing :o) Tash is my amazing sister-in-law who took her time out of her very busy schedule (Mum to two under twos!!) to pop out - she is amazing and I don't know how she does it. Tash you rock!!

After feeding and bathing Ollie, I decided it was a nice enough night to go riding! However my evening ride alerted me to a new issue....... Gabriel (the cat) is suffering from an identity crisis - he thinks he is a dog. He has decided that my rides are another event he can participate in - and found his place trotting along behind us. I am impressed to say that he kept up almost the whole way, only tiring when Tyler decided galloping was a far better speed to be travelling. Gabriel waited patiently for us to return to the place we had left him... actually he was being very sneaky and hiding waiting to pounce on us from behind a bush, he blends in so well in greenery.... you know being giant, white and fluffy - you barely notice him. So he led us home and has followed me around the house in usual Gabriel style all night - sitting outside while I have a shower on the shower mat, into the toilet, under my chair while I eat dinner, and now on the bed beside me while I type this........ and I am sure he will sleep at the foot of my bed all night.

Ohhhhh - I am in the process of designing a website too which will have a blog, and various photo albums on it.... I will let you all know when this is up and running!!

That is all from us xxx Goodnight :o) Roll on the weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Another exciting Monday......

Hi everyone, Ollie here (really - I am smart enough to use a computer already, just dont tell Mum she likes to treat me like a baby). I had a great day yesterday - Mum and I went to our baby massage course, I can't think of a better way to start the week. I got to hang out in a nice warm room all naked, then I got oiled up and had the loveliest massage ever!! Apparently we are going to be doing that for the net few weeks so I think Monday will be my new favourite day! My mate Romie is there too - although he flirts with all the girl babies and dosen't pay me much attention.

I found a new trick to do yesterday - click my tongue. It took me quite a bit of practice to get it, and I pulled lots of funny faces until I got it - but once I had I couldn't stop smiling at how clever I was. Mum was pretty impressed too - actually she got so excited she had to ring Dad at work and I had to click my tongue over the telephone at him. I think Mum likes to think I learnt it from her - she makes a funny clicking sound with her tongue when she is around her horses. Daddy thinks I am just hilarious - he clicks his tongue at me and I copy him and it makes him laugh so hard..... he is so juvenile I think he would do this all day with me if I didnt' get tired so quickly!

I think I can hear Mum coming to take me for my morning walk now - so I better go and tuck myself back into bed. Bye Bye

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to meeeeee, Happy Birthday to meeeeee...... Happy Birthday to dear meeee.... 4 MONTHS today :o)  Posted by Picasa

Hanging out with my mate Roman..... we just chilling, sharing stories of what we have been up to. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Oliver (16wks) - Who needs adults??

Hi All,

Thanks for checking out our newly created Blog site. With Steves recent departure to Antarctica, I was motivated to copy his idea of "Blogging". Thanks Stevie (by the way how are the penguins?) As we live out in the sticks and have no access to Broadband (yet!) and sending photos out to everyone gets to be a rather time consuming task over dial up!! So....... we figured the easiest way to update you all with events at Boundary Stream and of piccies of Oliver is to post them somewhere!

Another realtively mellow week for us at Boundary Stream. Oliver has discovered he has a head - so is constantly putting his hands on his head, stuffing his hands in his mouth, pulling on his ears, rubbing his nose etc etc..... he also finds endless amusement in watching his feet and is besotted with Gabriel the cat although not enough to try and grab him - thank goodness!

Gabriel has had an interesting week....... he has been chasing those "wascally wabbits" for a month or so now and finally managed to capture his first very tiny baby bunny this week. He didn't get a chance to do much other than chase it all over the drive before I came running out to take it off him. I of course had to have a wee cuddle before I set it free.... and couldn't help laughing at myself because if one of the horses falls into a rabbit hole I will be the first one out there with a gun shooting every rabbit I see!

Tyler and Kiara have been enjoying spring grass all week so have had several games of 'horse tag' in the paddock - which is fantastic as I feel lots better when they get some exercise - even if it is self exercising. I am riding Tyler just once a week at the moment (because of weather) - I have organised several of the horsey chicks in the Valley to meet me on Sundays for a 'big' ride. I have hundreds of acres to ride over now that I have convinced the council to lend me a key to the forestry tracks and the riding is exceptional!!! Tyler will be a muscle bound freak in a few weeks. Kiara is doing well and I am constantly on the look out for a stallion to put her too so she can pass some of those fantastic genes on!

Vic and Oliver had a ride on the Wellington Cable Car today - something both of them have never done! Oliver has a good excuse of course, not being able to walk yet and all! We cruised around the Botanical Gardens admiring the rather dead looking Tulips (hee hee thanks Kylie!).

Well that is us... and I am bolting outside as the weather has cleared so I am hoping that I might be able to go for a ride this afternoon - even if it has to be between showers.

Love and Hugs to you all!!