Friday, September 28, 2007

And this was how I found out Ollie may be ready to be toilet trained....

Oliver has just started taking off his nappy and taking himself to the toilet...... he refuses to sit on the toilet, instead prefering to use his god given right as a man - his ability to pee standing up... as you can see he has gotten around the lack of height by standing on the rim of the toilet so he can get it in the bowl!! The whole toilet thing is a bit hit and miss. Fear not we are trying to find a wee set of stairs for him that will make life easier and safer for him..... seat lids can be pretty slippery if stood on in socks... as he found out this week!


Unknown said...

Hi Susan

Maybe you can kill two birds with one stone and toilet train Vic at the same time!

I can't believe how big your young fella is already.

Cheers from Melbourne

Bruce & Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious!

I got a good giggle out of those photos...

Ollie is quite the problem solving, innovative wee chap isn't he? Perhaps he will grow up to be a genius like his Aunty Aimee?

Well, there is only so much independent assortment the chromosomes can do though eh, in other words.... with geeky parents there is no hope for Ollie :)

Love and hugs ;)
-"aunty Aimee"