Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We are getting very excited.....

As I am going back to work in January :o) We are preparing a room for our Swedish Au Pair who arrives in December. As you can see Ollie is very excited about her arrival and also helping redecorate the spare room!

Fish and Chips on the beach - it must be Summer!

I love it when Noah comes to stay!!!!

Story time before the boys get put to bed :o)

Checking earthworks..... again.....

Ollie and me doing our routine check on the progress of Earthworks - thankfully they are now complete - YAH!!!!!! Although not without its stress!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Riding with training wheels....?

After my neighbours pony, Chocolate, starting bucking on their little girl I offered to ride him to try and make him understand that bucking was something that was not desirable behaviour...... so far it seems to have worked. Although I look seriously silly riding him - it was seriously good fun too :o)